Buch & Holm offers a large program in the field of viscosity measurement and represents, among others, the recognized manufacturer Brookfield, which is the world's largest in this field.
Please note that we sell Brookfield only in Denmark.
Our range includes rotational viscometers, cone and plate viscometers, rheometers, texture analyzers, powder flow testers, ball drop viscometers, viscosity standards, capillary tubes and more.
Buch & Holm offers an authorized service center for Brookfield and both our sales and service staff are certified and we offer service agreements with traceable calibration.
Download an overview of Brookfield's products(in Danish)
Carsten Andersen
Product Manager
+45 44 54 00 55
Buch & Holm offers a large program in the field of viscosity measurement and represents, among others, the recognized manufacturer Brookfield, which is the world's largest in this field.
Please note that we sell Brookfield only in Denmark.
Our range includes rotational viscometers, cone and plate viscometers, rheometers, texture analyzers, powder flow testers, ball drop viscometers, viscosity standards, capillary tubes and more.
Buch & Holm offers an authorized service center for Brookfield and both our sales and service staff are certified and we offer service agreements with traceable calibration.
Download an overview of Brookfield's products(in Danish)
Anne Sofie Larsen
Product Manager
+45 44 54 00 63